Thursday, 2 October 2014



Everybody has imperfections. Usually, the only person that sees those flaws is you. The physical imperfections are not often noticed by people around you. The qualities that are in you, are very hard for you to see, but extremely easy for others to notice. This quality is called character. I am aware that I am not perfect. Nobody is. However if I were to change some traits about myself, I would change my lack of focus, my stubborn character and my terrible temper.
I am a very stubborn person. Sometimes it’s good to be stubborn. For an example, in a cross country race, you can either let the person beside you beat you, or you don’t let them get in front of you. Often times it is not good to have that characteristic. From time to time, I start an argument for no particular reason at all. I do not concede until I have won the argument, no matter how smart or stupid are my arguments. This is something I’d change because this occasionally interrupts my everyday relationships. If I wasn't as stubborn, I’d be a lot more fun to socialize with.  I tried to abandon my tenacity, but I just can't let it go. (I’d be pretty good for the debate team.)
Another quality I would change about myself is my focus. My mom says that I have terrible focus but I just like to think of myself as a great procrastinator.  I sat down about three times to write this blog up to this point. I work much more efficiently when I am in class and when I can actually lose "house points" for being off task. Surprisingly, I noticed that I pay a lot more attention to what is happening around me than to what is in front of me. My father says that he was exactly the same as me. He could not sit still. I would like to change this because if I was focusing on the task, I could have much more free time. Time management skills are very important to have. People nowadays have very busy schedules. Time management is an awfully important life skill.
My mother insists that I cannot control my temper sometime and I reply “It’s genetic!” Although, I must admit she has a point. My father has a very short fuse and I guess I get annoyed and relieve my stress the same way he does.  I know for a fact that people would not like to associate with me at all, if I have a short temper. I am really trying to fix this before it gets really bad. I can see that my brother is following my dad’s footsteps too. (IT’S GENETIC!)
At Health Central, studies have shown that angry men and women that have a high blood pressure have an increased risk of heart disease. Higher levels of stress equals to higher blood pressure levels which equal to higher risk of heart disease. I should change my habits, for other people’s sake, and for my own health.

Everyone has characteristics worth changing, but these traits make up who you are. Sometimes you can’t change yourself, no matter how hard you try because that is just who you are. Some people just have ‘that’ attitude and some people just have a different perspective on things. Nobody is perfect.  However that is what makes us unique.

1 comment:

  1. Being aware of these types of things can sometimes make it easier to moderate them or fix them entirely.
    Thank you for your response Olga. I enjoyed reading it. Try to stay on topic when working on a particular sub-topic. Your paragraph on focus is a little jumbled as you jump around trying to make your point. This results in your paragraph having very little focus.
    Edit your work to catch minor mechanical mistakes and to see if a sentence doesn't quite fit.

